To get salary loan

* We provide loan based on your salary

You Could get upto

0000 Tk
* We provide loan based on your salary

Getting loan is easy in our app

Our Services

Instantsalaries is the only 0% interest platform in Bangladesh for solving financial crisis in case of emergency.

B2B Corporate Contract

Salary loan facility without any collateral
Online application & salary loan opportunities
Get your salary loan at anytime of the month
No hidden charges

B2C Corporate Contract

Get 100% salary loan support for your company
Opportunity to get salary loan on first day of the month
Interest and hassle free salary benefits for all employees
Salary loan Management for all employees

Instant Cash on the go !

Instantsalaries is the only 0% interest platform in Bangladesh for solving financial crisis in case of emergency.

Sign up with your


No paper-work. just
fill some details


Know your
approve limit

Get Your Cash

Your cash is
on the go

Required Documents

List of documents required for salary loan

Proof of Identity

  • NID
  • Passport
  • Driving License
  • Birth Certificate

Proof of Address

  • Electricity bill
  • WASA bill
  • TITAS GAS bill
  • Telephone bill

Proof of Identity

Bank Account Statements Last 3 Months

Proof of Income

Office ID Card

Why Instant Salaries ?

Getting money is easier when you download an iSalary app to your phone.

Getting money is easier when you download an iSalary app to your phone. Getting money is easier when you download an iSalary app to your phone.Getting money.


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